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Cheapflightsfares is a leading OTA backed by state-of-the-art travel technology,

exceptional customer service and known for offering the lowest airline tickets, hotel rooms and car rental.

Why you should join?
  • Earn the most competitive commission payout for every purchase.
  • Earn up to $10 per passenger, i.e. 1 flight booking with 5 pax = 5*10. Payout amount = $50.
  • Get extra payout with every add-on to their booking including, insurance, web check-in, and more.
  • Earn the most competitive commission payout for every purchase.
What we offer?
  • Customized banners for your site for maximum engagement.
  • Cheap flight tickets, hotels and car rentals to almost every imaginable destinations.
  • Monthly newsletters with flights deals and promos based on events, season and occasion.
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  • Detail tracking and reporting.
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CID : 6061620

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MID: 50250

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Earning Structure
Flight Bookings
No. of successful flight bookings monthly Earnings (in USD)
Less than 50 flight bookings USD 8 per pax
More than 50 flight bookings but less than 300 USD 9 per pax
More than 300 flight bookings USD 10 per pax
Flight Ancillaries
Ancillary Added by Passenger Earnings (in USD)
Travel Protection Plan (TPP) USD 5
Refund Protected (FRA_RP) USD 5
Seat (Interactive-Seat) USD 5
Baggage USD 5
Travel Concierge Program (TCP) USD 5
Web Check-in USD 5
Search Policy
Keywords that publishers are prohibited from bidding on for search marketing campaigns.
cheap flights fares, cheap flight fares, cheapflightfare, cheap flights fares, cheap flights fare, cheap flight fare, cheap fare flight, cheap fares flights

You can use negative match to filter out irrelevant searches and thus prevent unwanted clicks. Your ad won't show if a search query contains the keyword term you define as negative keywords. Specify if publishers are required to negative match your protected keywords.

Keywords on which publishers are prohibited from outranking the advertiser in their search marketing campaigns.
cheapflightsfares, cheap flight fares, cheap flight fare, cheap flights fares, cheap flights fare, cheap flight fare, cheap fare flight, cheap fares flights.